Sunday, July 30, 2006

take that!

i was finally able to submit my sample vlog to 5 takes yesterday. i had to go to a net cafe to do it 'cause we're on dialup-- kinda reminded me of the time i had to walk to a friend's house to watch an MTV special on alanis because we had no cable.
i digress.
we had a rather hard time getting the vid to the right size. a colleague "compressed" the inital 22MB file into a whopping 100MB. how she managed to do that, i don't know. we, not "we," more like "they" (i know nothing about compressing videos, if you want to talk about .txt, .rtf, .cwk, or .doc, i'll be able to relate and say something intelligent like, "oh, it's safer to send word processing files in .txt format just to make sure that it opens regardless of platform" ... once again i digress, ye gods and little fishes!)... as i was saying "they" got it down to 5.6MB, but the screen size was a step down from what the folks at discovery required. ah, well. if they take that against me, there's nothing i can do.

making that vlog released my inner ham.
trinka, jason, and stephie: supersam thanks you for your help, really.

if i don't get into 5 takes, i figure i can just make more videos (er, trinka?) and saturate youtube with my presence.

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llmarcelo [at] gmail [dot] com