Friday, August 14, 2009

... ... ...

after the Japan exhibition

i fill my canvas
with the view from my window
as i lie in bed

unwashed Weltanschauung
nonchalant observation
paint, dirt wed as one
a dance from tweet to tumble

i saw her white hair through a window
and she made me see the paper through the paint

what if, like white watercolorists,
we had to write the spaces in between words and
make silence instead of noise?

the moon ate the sun
who blacked out in ecstasy
while we watched in awe

hawt, dawg

hot and humid/ slick and thick/ smother fucker, pillow murderer/

the weather feels like Rilke's Loneliness
and yet we must brave the blitzkrieg rain
that leaves the world wet
under a smiling schizophrenic sky
cellist transmogrified

i witnessed the transmogrification
of a snaggletoothed man into a demigod

body bending like a bow,
straining under the voice of a stone angel

his cello timed by the inhale
and exhale of his divine breath

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llmarcelo [at] gmail [dot] com