Friday, September 26, 2008

go ahead and hit me


symphony of slick tires
on rained road

my fifteen seconds of fame
caught in the headlights

i take a bow for i, too,
am a creature of the night

a whisper on a window competes with pacing footsteps, both from the anxious alone on a rainy night:

i get sad sometimes
like a single lightbulb
on a lonely street.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

sitting in the swing, i see a butterfly


It is a sad commentary on our times
that Darwinian evolution has favored
an ashen-winged butterfly
over its vary-hued sisters.

The drab lepidopteran
flits wraith-like against concrete,
invisible and unbothered
against the monochrome theme
of urban life, while appearing delicately out of place
in the loud company of flowers.

Friday, September 05, 2008

palm reading


my pen peed all over my hands
and stained my fortune
with rorschach inkblots
llmarcelo [at] gmail [dot] com